Władysław Zalewski Propeller


Producer (type):
Propeller No.: 22/2
Production Date: 1928
Pitch: 870 mm
Diameter: 1400 mm
Engine: WZ-18
Country of Origin: Poland

About the propeller, Small propeller of Władysław Zalewski’s light engine (probably WZ-18, 18 HP). In possession of Muzeum Techniki, Warsaw, out of  the regular exhibition (December 2013).

Construction, The propeller lamination consists of five ash plies.

Aircraft and Engine, The propeller was designed – most likely – for  WZ-18, 18 HP engine and WZ-IX Kogutek (Cockerel) aircraft.


  1. Andrzej Glass „Polskie konstrukcje lotnicze 1893 – 1939” WKiŁ 1976

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